Wednesday 23 October 2013


It's great news to inform you that our 5th and 6th graders have already started working on a European project with four different European schools.

BILLAR  works with a school from Chios (Greece)

CLUEDO is in touch with a school from Swiekatowo (Poland)

TRIVIAL exchanges information with a school from Brehy (Slovakia)

ESCACS keeps in touch with a school from Denizli (Turkey)

Our main goal is to get our pupils improve their English through real communicative situations. These situations are related to our pupils closest contexts:

- Their schools
- Themselves
- Their cities
- Their countries

Pupils will use the below blog to write, upload photos and videos about the above topics.

You can also find the links to the blog and to those schools on the right hand menu of this blog.

We're all sure this will be an unforgettable experience!

Monday 14 October 2013

Frankenstein in English

Today 14th October 2013 our 5th and 6th graders have attended an interactive theatre show based on the story of "Frankenstein" by IPA Productions

The play was 100% in English and we all had a great time.

We could not film the show but as you will see in the photos below Alexander, Clara S., Carlos, Sara, Daniel P., Biel Perelló, Ángel, Pau Gómez and Daniel C. went up the stage and acted! However, it was a very interactive show and, somehow, we all took active part of it.

A big round of applause for you all!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Robin Hood in English

Today 10th October 2013 our 3rd and 4th graders have attended an interactive theatre show based on the story of Robin Hood produced by IPA Productions.

The play was 100% in English and we all had a great time.

We could not film the show but as you will see in the photos below Pol R., Daniel, Martina, Yenaba, Tanit, Miguel, Guim R., Judith, Aniol, Simona and Greta went up the stage and acted! However, it was a very interactive show and, somehow, we all took active part of it.

A big round of applause for you all!